
The V-E-T

Well, the V-E-T has deturmined that I haf azma. Lukkily I didn't haf to haf a cat-scan. Now I haf to take sum meddicashun fur fureffur. Fank you, effuryone, fur yur well wishes. It's nise to be luffed! Also, fank yu fur letting my Mom no abowt Pill Pokkets! Now I get anuffer treet during the day!

I got to go to the appointment in style- in the MINI Cooper. I felt furry impurrtant. Mom brot a kome becuz I luf to be komed (it comms me down) an she wor pufume fur me to lik. The V-E-T gave me sum oral-kare treets. I liked all the attenshun, but I told them wut's wut anyway. I reely wuz happy tu be home!


Lux said...

So with the medication everything will be okay? I'm glad you're back home now!


Hi Loki!

Yu are a furry purrty orange kitty. My brofur Ping is am orange tabby.

Nice to meetcha!
Drop by and bisit us when yu get da chance.
Abby(the mini manx)

Daisy said...

LOKi, I am glad you got to be combed! One of the cats at the shelter where my Mommie helps has asthma. That cat's name is Ruby. Ruby takes two different inhalers every day, and a prednisone pill. I hope you are feeling better now.

LZ said...

I'm glad you're going to be OK and that you got your meds! I have a meezer friend who has azma and he has to take a pill every day too. But he's all healthy now and that' s good news 'cause he had such a bad attack before they knew he was sick.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

I'm glad they know what it is! The pill pocket sounds like a good idea! I hate my pills. At least I only have to take two more.

Combing sounds like a good idea too. I just hid under the cabinet in the vet room, 'cause being in caves makes me feel better.

Hope the medicine makes you feel better! (and that the pill pockets make it ok to take them! Blech!)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Glad thay fownd owt wut wuz wrong wiv yoo and dat meddy-sin will make yoo better. I like being combed too, it's good to be pampurred.

Mr. Hendrix said...

awww, I'm sorry to hear you have azma, but I'm glad it is something simple to fix with medicine. by the way, mu shue pooh has azma too and his mommy might have good tips for your mommy mushue.blogspot.com

Even if you likes your VET, you have to show them whose boss. Good job!

Purrs and headbutts your way!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Glad to hear it is something treatable, like asthma. Sorry about the pills, but they will make you feel better. Glad to hear about pill pockets.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

hay Looki, tell you mama to feel free to talk to me about azmama abnd mament she can talk to her at queenlillycat@aol.com She said we can even talkj by telphone if you want she call if you send her the number

Mu shue

Daphne said...

Hi Loki,
Sorry to hear you've been not feeling well. I am glad that your asthma is treatable, though!
And wow -- getting to go to the V-E-T inamini! That is some style!

We hope you're feeling better!
Your friends,
Daphne & Chloe
Purrchance To Dream

Artsy Catsy said...

Hi, Loki! Our Fracas has asthma, too, but he just takes some medicine when it acts up and now he's just fine.

We dropped in to let you know before it goes up on the Cat Blogosphere that we're having a special benefit for Mu Shue over here at ArtsyCatsy so he can go to the V.E.T. We would love for you to join us!

Rocky & the cat staff

Artsy Catsy said...

Loki, thank you so very much for ordering bookmarks to help Mu Shue. You are a kind and generous kitty!

Rocky & everybody at ArtsyCatsy

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

How are you doing?
Happy Valentine's Day!