
Thursday Thirteen

Here are sum pikshures uf sum uf my Mom's cat collekshun. Beware that sum uf dem are burdering on the bizarre. They were gathered frum all offur the wurld, inclooding Meksico, Hollund, Tieland an grater Washingtun State. She wus also pretty blurry wen she tuk the pikshures.


Anonymous said...

These are the cutest kitties ever! I love kitties and I love this variety. I have a curio full of treasures. This is a good collection.

I cannot pick a favorite. They are all beautiful!

LZ said...

That is a beautiful collection! The Lap Lady is jealous, she doesn't have anything cat related like that.


The Meezers or Billy said...

mommy loves the fat one!


Ooo those are furry neat. Momma says you have a furry nice collection.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Owr mum collects cats furrom efurrywhere she goes as well. She has got two simmyler to the furrst pichur which she sez she got in Florry-dah.We haf told her she will haf to take some pichurs uv her colleckshun too.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

oh i likes dohz. your mommie gotz a reel nise collecshun.

deyz gotz great expreshuns!!


Skeezix the Cat said...

This is a vary vary wunderful cat kollekshun!!!!