
Thursday Thirteen- A Mom List

Thurteen Things Abowt Mom:
1. She wuz born in Victoria, Canada.
2. She has a dual citizenship wif Canada and Hollund.
3. English is hur secund language (she had to lurn it in kinnergarden) and Dutch
is hur furst.
4. She luvs us more than anybody else (don't tell Dad.)
5. She luvs to sail on sailboats- that's how she met Dad.
6. She luvs to make things.
7. She drove up to Alaska (2500 miles) in a 1967 VW bus with hur best friend, an 18-year-old
kitty and a big black dog.
8. She luvs to read (usually 2-3 books a week.)
9. She luvs old things.
10. She luvs to play the piano.
11. She's furry close to hur parents.
12. She luvs to comb us and play with us.
13. She's bin home fur the last five weeks, and we luv it (she will have spinal
fusion surjury on 18 May.)
My Mom is the best. She feeds us, plays with us and sleeps with us. We couldn't be lukkier!


We're in Catster!

We're in Catster now! Yay! Sorry fur being bad abowt keeping up with owr blog, but Mom has been in terrible pain and she needs surjury on her back (lumbar fushun.) She hasn't bin owt of the howse eksept fur bean V-E-T appointments fur three an a haf weeks. I've bin wurking hard at keeping her company, and I sit on hur all dae. She has bin reeding efurryone's blogs, but it's reely hard fur her to make comments, even with my instrukshuns. Her bak surjury isn't until 18 may, but she's trying to get it moved up.
Well, bak to wurk!